
Most respondents in a recent survey say they’re losing the battle despite having up-to-date protections in place.
IT managers feel overwhelmed by the volume of cyberattack attempts, with most of them admitting that successful hacks of their company networks are becoming the norm.
That’s according to a research report The Impossible Puzzle of Cybersecurity, released Friday. In a survey of 3,100 IT managers across 12 countries (at organizations with 100 to 5,000 employees), two out of three of them said their organizations (68 percent) suffered a cyberattack in 2018, despite efforts to prevent them. This, despite the fact that a full 26 percent of IT’S time, on average, is spent on cybersecurity issues.
Nine out of 10 (91 percent) of respondents said they were running up-to-date cybersecurity protections at the time of a successful attack, according to the Sophos, who published the