SOC First Defense phase – Understanding the Cyber Attack Chain – A Defense Approach with/without SOC


attack chain

This article will help you to understand the modern cyber threats and the most commonly used attack surfaces behind any malware/cyber-attacks. In most times, the cyber attacks are getting executed in stages. So the SOC team must understand the attack patterns and the attack chain.

So breaking the attack chain and averting the criminals intend to stop their goal, will reduce the business impact from the data being lost. This will not provide you with 100% defense steps or blue-team guides to your organization.

It’ll provide a piece of brief information over the attack vectors and every SOC team must create a defense mechanism for it to have an initial stage of security monitoring.

These steps can be followed by any Network Security Teams or small scale industries or smaller firms who cannot afford SOC, will help to create a defense wall with this.

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