
In Star Wars , machine safety is not the strong point of the protagonists. From R 2- D 2 opening the Death Star door using an old code, to C -3 PO being hacked by Darth Vader , their machines are often vulnerable to attack.
This is no accident. The machines in Star Wars are often old and outdated and therefore more vulnerable to attack. In addition, they are often not properly connected to each other or not properly maintained/updated . This makes it more difficult for our space users to monitor and manage the security of the systems.
But let’s leave the galaxy far, far away and return to Earth…
…where all this is not a science fiction scenario! Machines vulnerable to attacks from vulnerabilities and security gaps are all around us, starting from our household appliances (such as televisions, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines), specialized industrial equipment (manufacturing machines, robots, control systems) and entire systems for managing our infrastructure, such as electricity transmission and distribution networks , water supply systems and transport systems . It may be that when we hear about cyberattacks, the first thought that comes to our mind is computers, networks and servers, but attacks are not limited to the IT sector .