Over 50,000 Tinyproxy servers vulnerable to critical RCE flaw

From bleepingcomputer.com

Nearly 52,000 internet-exposed Tinyproxy instances are vulnerable to CVE-2023-49606, a recently disclosed critical remote code execution (RCE) flaw.

Tinyproxy is an open-source HTTP and HTTPS proxy server designed to be fast, small, and lightweight. It is specifically tailored for UNIX-like operating systems and is commonly used by small businesses, public WiFi providers, and home users.

At the start of the month, Cisco Talos disclosed CVE-2023-49606, a critical (CVSS v3: 9.8) use-after-free flaw the researchers discovered in December 2023, impacting versions 1.11.1 (latest) and 1.10.0, after claiming to not receiving a response from the developers.

Cisco’s report shared detailed information about the vulnerability, including proof-of-concept exploits that crashed the server and could potentially lead to remote code execution.

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