Operator of eight DDoS-for-hire services pleads guilty

From zdnet.com

Investigators tracked him down after he logged into his rented servers using his home IP addresses.

An Illinois man pleaded guilty today for running eight DDoS booter (stresser) services between August 2015 and November 2017.

According to court documents obtained by ZDNet, Sergiy Usatyuk, 20, of Orland Park, Illinois, ran ExoStress.in, QuezStresser.com, Betabooter.com, Databooter.com, Instabooter.com, Polystress.com, Zstress.net, and Decafestresser, together with an unnamed Canadian co-conspirator.

Authorities said Usatyuk ran these services on top of a botnet comprised of at least 31 powerful servers that the two rented from two US cloud hosting providers.

Investigators said Usatyuk advertised the DDoS stressers on HackForums.net, an infamous hacking forum, under the name of “Andy.”

“You can DDOS any IP you want, we don’t care,” Usatyuk said in one of his HackForums posts before the forum’s administrators decided to ban the advertising of DDoS booters on their site altogether, back in October 2016.

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