OpenARIA : Enhancing Aviation Safety Through Open-Source Innovation


his repository contains an open-source edition of the Aviation Risk Identification and Assessment (ARIA) software program developed by MITRE on behalf of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Safety and Technical Training (AJI) Service Unit.

OpenARIA’s Goal

Our goal is to build a community focused on improving aviation safety & efficiency by extracting value from aircraft location data.

How OpenARIA Can Achieve This Goal

  1. Provide a publicly available solution for detecting aviation risks within aircraft location data.
    • This tangible working solution can be critiqued by the community and improved as necessary.
  2. Provide a publicly available solution for detecting and then aggregating aviation risks for bulk analysis.
    • Someone operating OpenARIA for a day will have one day’s worth of output
    • Someone operating OpenARIA for a year will have a year’s worth of output.
    • We must facilitate capturing and utilizing large amounts of output data.
  3. Provide a publicly available solution for archiving and replaying aircraft location data
    • E.g., when OpenARIA detects an event, we will want to be able to replay the event to understand what happened.
  4. Provide solutions that work with near-real time data streams as well as archival data.

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