SPONSORED POST The global impact of cyber threats on businesses, governments, organisations and individuals around the world is ramping up exponentially, with experts warning that danger is set to dramatically worsen in coming months and years.
The newly published SANS 2022 Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Survey, from the SANS Institute, warns that savvy organisations need to “rapidly gain situational awareness, contextualise vast amounts of shared information, and prioritise remediation of significant threats.”
Thankfully, it is apparent that investment is being increased in cyber defence. Insurance company Hiscox’ Cyber Readiness Report 2022 reveals that average global cyber security spending for organisations that responded to the research report is up 60 percent in 2022 to $5.3m, and has increased by a whopping 250 percent since 2019. And part of this investment hike has been used to increase cyber defence training for infosec professionals.