
PWC: The first of the fine based on the General Regulation on Data Protection (GDPR) imposed by the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data.
According to the Authority, the case came before it after termination of the Union Accountants Attica Region ( “ELEPA ‘) against the company” PWC “unlawful processing of personal data of workers in it.
Impressive indeed is the fact that the PWC company had seminars on the GDPR as we can see here.
As specifically mentioned in the complaint, the officers of the offending company distributed in the “terms of Acceptance Statement staff Processing of Personal Data ‘and new individual contracts (annexed to the complaint), which included verses that refer to the processing of personal data, urging to the sign, in violation of Law. 2472/1997, especially given the privileged position of employers towards employees so indirectly forced to sign these.