Top 10 malware που διαφημίζονται στα Underground hacking Forums


he Underground hacking Forums is the part of the Internet, where the hackers and other cybercriminals advertise various hacking tools, new malware and other.

Some researchers analyzed over 3,9 millions of posts and ended up in top variants of malware software, advertised in hacking forums. Based on the most popular malicious applications, we can understand even the most popular attacks.

Researchers have found various categories of malicious software in different languages. What they noticed is that Underground hacking Forums in different languages ​​(eg English, Chinese) focus on different maliciously programs and attack agencies.

Top malware categories typically include dual-use tools such as MinerGate andImminent Monitor, as well as malicious open source software such as njRat, AhMyth, Mirai, and Gh0st RAT.

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