Thunderstorm – Modular Framework To Exploit UPS Devices


Thunderstorm is a modular framework to exploit UPS devices.

For now, only the CS-141 and NetMan 204 exploits will be available. The beta version of the framework will be released on the future.


Thunderstorm is currently capable of exploiting the following CVE:

  • CVE-2022-47186 – Unrestricted file Upload # [CS-141]
  • CVE-2022-47187 – Cross-Site Scripting via File upload # [CS-141]
  • CVE-2022-47188 – Arbitrary local file read via file upload # [CS-141]
  • CVE-2022-47189 – Denial of Service via file upload # [CS-141]
  • CVE-2022-47190 – Remote Code Execution via file upload # [CS-141]
  • CVE-2022-47191 – Privilege Escalation via file upload # [CS-141]
  • CVE-2022-47192 – Admin password reset via file upload # [CS-141]
  • CVE-2022-47891 – Admin password reset # [NetMan 204]
  • CVE-2022-47892 – Sensitive Information Disclosure # [NetMan 204]
  • CVE-2022-47893 – Remote Code Execution via file upload # [NetMan 204]

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