Slow week with ransomware news as we lead up into the holidays. Mostly small variants that won’t get much distribution or releases of new variants of older ransomware.
For me at least, the biggest news this week is that BleepingComputer has now been added as an associate partner of the No More Ransom project.
Contributors and those who provided new ransomware information and stories this week include: @Seifreed, @malwareforme, @demonslay335, @PolarToffee, @malwrhunterteam, @jorntvdw, @fwosar, @FourOctets, @struppigel, @EC3Europol, @Europol, @siri_urz, @MarceloRivero, @Emm_ADC_Soft, @leotpsc, @GrujaRS, and @petrovic082.