
Jackson County, Missouri, confirmed that a ransomware attack has disrupted several county services.
A ransomware attack disrupted several services of the Jackson County, Missouri. The County Executive Frank White, Jr. declared a state of emergency.
“Jackson County has confirmed a ransomware attack was responsible for the disruption of several county services today.” reads the statement released by the County. “The rapid response by county associates, especially those within the Information Technology (IT) Department, has played a critical role in mitigating the impact of the attack.“
“IT IS DIRECTED that all county staff are to take whatever steps are necessary to protect resident data, county assets, and continue essential services, thereby mitigating the impact of this potential ransomware attack.” reads the Executive Order issued by the County Executive. “IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the County Administrator is directed to evaluate the need for appropriations from the County’s emergency fund and, if necessary, identify additional financial adjustments to address the fiscal requirements imposed by this emergency. This Executive Order shall take immediate effect and remain in place until it is amended or rescinded by subsequent orders.”