
Aiming to introduce into the evolving Greek market AI (artificial intelligence) technologies which will advance public transport, payments, retail and upgrade the standard of living, Chinese AI technology group DeepBlue Technology announced in Athens, this week that it was ready to launch services in Greece as a stepping stone to the wider southeastern European region and the Mediterranean.
Speaking at a press event on Tuesday, President DeepBlue Technology Chen Haibounderlined the history and strong ties between Greece and China, and stressed the importance of innovation and startup activity.
Haibo signed an agreement to be the exclusive representative of Greek-interest exports firm Amani Swiss as well as a memorandum of understanding with the School of Informatics – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the area of research and development.
“By entering the Greek market and cooperating with Thessaloniki’s Aristotle University, we will bring our technology and invest in AI technology research,” said Haibo, adding that in this direction dozens of new job positions will open up in Greece.